University College London
216 files

2011 Aerial Photographs of the Kyz Kala monuments and their surroundings

posted on 2021-03-05, 16:59 authored by Tim Williams, Gai JorayevGai Jorayev
This dataset includes first set of georeferenced images collected with the use of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to document Kyz Kala monuments and their surroundings. The equipment used was SwingletCAM fixed-wing UAV, with onboard Canon IXUS 220 HS 12.1 megapixels camera. These 216 images were taken during one flight, on 23/09/2011, between 18:18 and 18:37 local time. The flight was pre-planned, in rectangular north-south pattern, with target resolution of 4cm per pixel and 60% overlap.
