University College London

Altyntobe monument, Otrar Oasis, aerial photography 2016

posted on 2021-05-07, 09:02 authored by Gai JorayevGai Jorayev
Altyntobe is one of the key archaeological sites within Otrar Oasis, Kazakhstan. It was extensively researched and excavated in the second half of the 20th century and the period of occupation was established as 1st century – 11th century AD.
Also known as: Altyn-tobe, Алтын төбе, Городище Алтынтобе. Coordinates: Decimal degrees: Longitude: 68.2296372920533° Latitude: 42.8742272741629°; UTM: Zone: 42 T, Easting: 437080.92 m E, Northing: 4747135.91 m N. CAAL-ID: Mon_KZ_IICAS1-003384

Aerial photographs presented here were collected by Gai Jorayev (UCL) in May, 2016, as part of the Archaeological research in Otrar Oasis undertaken jointly by UCL Centre for Applied Archaeology and Archaeological Expertise LLP (Kazakhstan) and supported by UCL Qatar, Margulan Institute of Archaeology and Otrar State Archaeological Reserve Museum. Data was processed and published by Gai Jorayev.

The dataset here includes:
- 4 photographs from May, 2016;
- 807 aerial photographs uploaded as one Zip archive;
- Processing report in PDF format;
- Digital orhtomosaic (Ground Sampling Distance is 2.38 cm/pixel) and Digital Spatial Model in TIFF format to be viewed and analysed in GIS software; these are also presented as one PDF file for preview;
- 3D mesh in OBJ format and texture as Zip archive, to be downloaded and viewed with 3D software such as MeshLab. The same 3D mesh is made available on external platform (Sketchfab) with link provided below.


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