University College London

Optimal Control of SOAs with Artificial Intelligence for Sub-Nanosecond Optical Switching

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Version 2 2020-06-29, 14:44
Version 1 2020-05-22, 10:49
posted on 2020-06-29, 14:44 authored by Christopher ParsonsonChristopher Parsonson, Zacharaya ShabkaZacharaya Shabka, Konrad Chlupka, Bawang Goh, Georgios ZervasGeorgios Zervas
This dataset contains 1) the data plotted and 2) the MATLAB code used to generate the data for the paper 'Optimal Control of SOAs with Artificial Intelligence for Sub-Nanosecond Optical Switching' (

All data have been organised into clear folders to accompany the paper, where each folder has been named in the context of the figures presented in the paper. All data are given in .csv format, which can be downloaded by the reader and analysed however they wish.


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grant EP/R041792/1

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grant EP/L015455/1

Industrial Cooperative Awards in Science and Technology grant EP/R513143/1
