Behaviourally modulated hippocampal theta oscillations in the ferret persist during both locomotion and immobility - data
Processed electrophysiological and behavioural data to accompany the paper "Behaviourally modulated hippocampal theta oscillations in the ferret persist during both locomotion and immobility" by Dunn et al. 2022.
Neural data are local field potentials (LFP) recorded with 32 channel Neuronexus probes. Neural data were collected during a localisation task. The files contain corresponding behavioural data for each recording session, including position tracking. Data were collected using the following acqusition systems: Neuralynx (rats), Multichannel systems (ferrets), TDT (rats & ferrets), which communicated with custom written MATLAB software. Data processing and analysis was performed in MATLAB.
Code for analysis performed in the paper can be found here:
Ferret data ~ 52 GB
Rat data ~ 82 GB
Atropine and control data ~ 10GB
metadata ~ 24 kB
Data for LMMs ~ 7 MB
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