Biomedical consequences of elevated cholesterol-containing lipoproteins and apolipoproteins on cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular outcomes
This directory contains the data necessary to generate the results described
in the manuscript: 'Biomedical consequences of elevated cholesterol-containing
lipoproteins and apolipoproteins on cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular outcomes'.
## File content
* Figure2_annotations.tsv.gz
Contains cell annotations used in figure 2. The annotations are either '.'
when the p-value is larger than 0.05, or the point estimate
(log odds ratio, or mean difference).
* Figure2_pvalues.tsv.gz
Contains the -log10(p-values) used to colour the cells in figure 2.
* Figure3_edges.tsv.gz
Lists the network connections between the `Source` (the exposure) and
the `Target` (the outcome), as well as the effect direction.
* Figure3_nodes.tsv.gz
Lists the node text for the network presented in Figure 3.
* Figure4_tables.xlsx
Lists the point estimates with standard error and confidence intervals
for the forest plot presented in Figure 4. Includes a prioritization
* Figure5_tables.xlsx
Lists the point estimates with standard error and confidence intervals
for the forest plot presented in Figure 5. Includes a prioritization
* Figure6_exposure_panel.tsv.gz
Contains the -log10(p-values) of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.
* Figure6_outcome_panel.tsv.gz
Contains the -log10(p-values) of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.