CAP-2030 Nepal: Nutritional dataset (anthropometry and dietary recall)
The Stata data file "cap_dietary_combined.dta” and equivalent excel file of the same name comprises nutrition-related data collected by adolescent secondary school students during a "Citizen Science" project in the districts of Kavre and Jumla, Nepal during April to June 2022. The project was part of a CIFF-funded Children in All Policies 2030 (CAP2030) project .
The data were generated by the students using a mobile device data collection form developed using "Open Data Kit (ODK) Collect" electronic data collection platform by Kathmandu Living Labs (KLL) and University College London (UCL) for the purposes of this study. The data collected were part of a learning exercise for students to raise awareness of under- and over- nutrition and poor diets in their locale. The form could be used to record 24-hour dietary recall of different healthy food groups and unhealthy sentinel foods amongst children under 5 years, older children and adolescents and adults. Height and weight could also be recorded where stadiometers and weighing scales were available. The form provided feedback to the data collector / respondent in terms of saying what their dietary diversity and unhealthy eating scores were and suggested what foods should be consumed for a healthy diet. In the case of under- or over- nutrition a message appeared with dietary / health advice. Since the students were using 10 android tablets to record information in and around their schools, the dataset may contain several copies of the same respondent recorded by different individuals, so should not be relied upon for precise prevalence of nutritional status. Rather, the data serve to demonstrate the potential of citizen science methods with Nepali school students to record such information.
The nutrition app and the process of gathering the data are described in a paper entitled "Citizen science for climate change resilience: engaging adolescents to study climate hazards, biodiversity and nutrition in rural Nepal" submitted to Wellcome Open Research in Feb 2023. The data contributed to Table 6, Figure 7 and Annex 6 of this paper.