University College London

Cloud-sliced nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the global upper troposphere derived from TROPOMI

posted on 2021-05-13, 11:26 authored by Eloise MaraisEloise Marais, Robert Ryan
Files of seasonal means of the two TROPOMI upper tropospheric NO2 products obtained using the cloud slicing technique.

The files include mixing ratios of NO2 in the upper troposphere and information about the range of cloud top heights used to obtain UT NO2 mixing ratios.

File data variables include:
utno2: Seasonal mean TROPOMI UT NO2
utno2err: Seasonal error obtained by adding in quadrature individual errors
cld_top_p_range: Seasonal mean range in cloud top pressures
cld_top_p_ceil: Seasonal mean ceiling/top of the cloud top range
nobs: The number of cloud-sliced data points in each 1x1 grid
Data variable attributes in the files provide a description of these variables, including the units.


ERC StG UpTrop (851854)
