University College London

Continuous manipulation and characterization of colloidal beads and liposomes via diffusiophoresis in single- and double-junction microchannels

posted on 2023-07-06, 00:10 authored by Guido BolognesiGuido Bolognesi, Adnan Chakra, Naval Singh, Goran VladisavljevicGoran Vladisavljevic, Francois Nadal, Cecile Cottin-Bizonne, Christophe Pirat

Experimental and simulated particle concentration fields used to generate the results shown in Fig.1, Fig. 3, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 of "Continuous manipulation and characterization of colloidal beads and liposomes via diffusiophoresis in single- and double-junction microchannels " by A. Chakra, N. Singh, G. Vladisavljevic, F. Nadal, C. Cottin-Bizonne, C. Pirat, G. Bolognesi.


The file “” contains the .txt file with the particle concentration field calculated via numerical simulations in Comsol. The details on the numerical simulations are provided in the manuscript. In the .txt file, the spatial coordinates x,y,z are normalised with respect to the channel width w and the particle concentration is normalised with respect to the concentration, n0, of the colloidal solution injected in the inner channel of the device. The concentration field is symmetric with respect to the x-z plane and the y-z plane, hence the numerical solution is calculated only in the domain x>0 and y>0.

The file “” contains the raw images acquired from the epi-fluorescence microscope system to generate the results reported in Figure X of the manuscript. See the Methods section of the manuscript for further details on the image acquisition procedures.


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