University College London

Data for paper "Jordan - Embodied emissions policies – design options and political mobilisation potential"

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posted on 2024-01-04, 12:18 authored by Nino JordanNino Jordan

The topic of greenhouse gas emissions embodied in products is gaining in prominence and the possibilities for measuring and verifying them are improving. This provides fertile ground for those who demand that climate policy should address such embodied emissions. There are different design options for policies targeting embodied emissions. Such differences affect which groups can be mobilised in their favour. This paper shows that procurement standards which target intermediate products can mobilise the support of relatively low carbon producers of high carbon materials, while product standards which target final products can mobilise the support of producers of relatively low carbon materials producers and knowledge-intensive service providers. Here the data for a network analysis corroborating the theoretical analysis in the paper is provided.

An in-depth study of the embodied emissions in buildings policy field in Germany, the UK, and the USA yielded key umbrella organisations advocating for a greater role for embodied emissions in policy-making. An analysis of organisational affiliations with these umbrella organisations formed the basis for a network analysis testing the hypotheses specifying how variations in the inter- and intra-sectoral distributive effects of embodied emissions policy proposals correspond to differences in the composition of lobbying coalitions.

The focus is on embodied emission policies in the form of regulatory standards for the built environment and public procurement specifications setting upper limits for embodied emissions of intermediate products. Carbon border adjustments or tariff walls targeting embodied carbon contents can also be considered embodied emissions policies but are not included in the analysis.

Please note that not all organisations in this dataset can be classified as advocates for embodied emissions policies. Table 1 in the publication corresponding to this dataset shows the entities that were classified as `targets' in the embodied emissions network, i.e. the umbrella organisations whose member- and sponsorships were to be analysed. The target classification consists of two layers. On the one hand, those entities that are directly associated with advocacy or technical guidelines for the consideration of embodied emissions (first order). On the other hand, some of the organisations that are affiliated with the first, for example as sponsors or members (second order).

Where the network nodes were associations, their member organisations and other associates, such as sponsors, were collected by analysing information on their affiliations from their websites in 2017 and 2018. The data on network nodes and edges was cleaned and standardised with OpenRefine.

Some issues with the dataset were only discovered during the analysis process. The associated R code (DOI: 10.5522/04/24893487) takes care of these issues. However, if you do not intend to use this dataset with the associated R code, it is recommended to apply the following recoding:

  1. 'natureplus e.V.' -> 'natureplus'
  2. 'RICS Methdology' -> 'RICS Methodology'
  3. 'UCL ISR' -> 'UCL'
  4. 'natureplus ' -> 'natureplus'
  5. 'B.A.U.M. e.V.' -> 'B.A.U.M.'
  6. 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rohholzverbraucher e.V.' -> 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Rohholzverbraucher e.V.'


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