University College London

Data underlying Figure 3 in the paper 'Topological states in honeycomb arrays of implanted acceptors in semiconductors'

posted on 2023-02-23, 10:11 authored by Andrew FisherAndrew Fisher

Data underlying Figure 3.  All files are CSV files.  

For Figs 3(a) and 3(b) each row contains four eigenvalues in columns 2-5 corresponding to a given k-point, with high-symmetry points labelled in column 1.  

For Fig 3(c) each row contains three numbers, the first giving the distance between the acceptors in the array and the other two giving the expectation values of the z angular momentum on the two atoms in the unit cell.

For Fig 3(d) each row corresponds to one arrangement of acceptors on substititutional sites within the (001) growth plane.  The format is:

Columns 1-3: the integers s_1 to s_3 as defined in the figure;

Columns 4-5: the distance d_2 and the  opening angle \angle_{22} as defined in the figure;

Column 6: the 'gap' between the lowest eigenvalue of the topmost (filled) pair of hole bands and the next (empty) pair - if the value reported is negative, the bands overlap and the structure is metallic;

Columns 7-10: the parities \delta_i for the occupied bands at the four time-reversal invariant points in the two-dimensional Brillouin zone;

Column 11: the index
u determining the topological character.  For non-magnetic insulating structures,
u=0 corresponds to a trivial topology and
u=1 to non-trivial.


Atomically Deterministic Doping and Readout For Semiconductor Solotronics (ADDRFSS)

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

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