Dataset for the Corrective Questions experiment run on Gorilla in July-September 2023.
This dataset contains three files listing the experimental items and recorded data associated with the experiment on Corrective Questions run on Gorilla in July-September 2023. The content of each file is described below. For an in-depth description of the experiment items, procedure, and results, see the NLLT paper On Corrective Questions and the Position of Focus.
Written Experimental Items - This Excel file contains the 30 experimental items in written form. For each item, the listed context, the names of speaker 1 and speaker 2, and the question Q were shown on the screen and the participants would read them. The Reply listed in the final clumn, however, was provided as audio. The written replies visible here are only provided for your convenience.
Audio Stimuli - This zipped file contains the 30 audio recordings used as stimuli. These constituted the actual Reply to the Context and Question listed in the previous file.
Experimental Data – UCL RDR - This Excel file lists the recorded assessments of the 30 participants that completed every experimental task. The participants are listed as numbers from 1 to 30 in the first column, with their assessments for all 30 experimental items following on the same row. Some minor statistical calculations are also provided.