Example (synthetic) electronic health record data
posted on 2024-04-24, 07:59 authored by Steve HarrisSteve Harris, Wai Shing LaiWai Shing LaiThese data are modelled using the OMOP Common Data Model v5.3.
Correlated Data Source
- NG tube vocabularies
Generation Rules
- The patient’s age should be between 18 and 100 at the moment of the visit.
- Ethnicity data is using 2021 census data in England and Wales (Census in England and Wales 2021) .
- Gender is equally distributed between Male and Female (50% each).
- Every person in the record has a link in procedure_occurrence with the concept “Checking the position of nasogastric tube using X-ray”
- 2% of person records have a link in procedure_occurrence with the concept of “Plain chest X-ray”
- 60% of visit_occurrence has visit concept “Inpatient Visit”, while 40% have “Emergency Room Visit”
- Version 0
- Generated by man-made rule/story generator
- Structural correct, all tables linked with the relationship
- We used national ethnicity data to generate a realistic distribution (see below)
2011 Race Census figure in England and Wales
Ethnic Group : Population(%)
- Asian or Asian British: Bangladeshi - 1.1
- Asian or Asian British: Chinese - 0.7
- Asian or Asian British: Indian - 3.1
- Asian or Asian British: Pakistani - 2.7
- Asian or Asian British: any other Asian background -1.6
- Black or African or Caribbean or Black British: African - 2.5
- Black or African or Caribbean or Black British: Caribbean - 1
- Black or African or Caribbean or Black British: other Black or African or Caribbean background - 0.5
- Mixed multiple ethnic groups: White and Asian - 0.8
- Mixed multiple ethnic groups: White and Black African - 0.4
- Mixed multiple ethnic groups: White and Black Caribbean - 0.9
- Mixed multiple ethnic groups: any other Mixed or multiple ethnic background - 0.8
- White: English or Welsh or Scottish or Northern Irish or British - 74.4
- White: Irish - 0.9
- White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller - 0.1
- White: any other White background - 6.4
- Other ethnic group: any other ethnic group - 1.6
- Other ethnic group: Arab - 0.6
Usage metrics
Ref. managerRef. manager