Extracellular spinal recordings: monosynaptic reflexes
In vitro monosynaptic reflex dataset associated with Pocratsky et al 2023, Science Translational Medicine
Data generated from isolated lumbar spinal cord preparations with stimuli applied to dorsal roots and monosynaptic reflexes recorded from homonymouse ventral roots. Groups: littermate control (Cdx2::wt;Tor1a-wt/frt) and spinal Tor1a d-cko mice (Cdx2::FlpO;Tor1a-frt/frt) that develop early onset generalised torsional dystonia.
monosynapticReflex_latency2onset.xlsx - datafile: latency to onset of the evoked response
monosynapticReflex_responseDur.xlsx - datafile: duration of the evoked response
monosynapticReflex_maxAmp.xlsx - datafile: maximum absolute peak amplitude evoked at maximal stimulation
MSR_script.sgs - script: CED Signal script file to measure and format in vitro monosynaptic reflexes
Full methodological detail can be found in manuscript
The contribution of spinal circuit dysfunction to movement disorganisation in dystonia
Beyond The Basal Ganglia: Spinal Circuit Dysfunction As A Final Pathway For Movement Disorganisation In Tor1a Dystonia
Medical Research Council
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