FireNet is an open ML training dataset for visual recognition of fire safety equipment. Our dataset directly links the objects to their respective Uniclass, the construction sector’s classification scheme to name objects.
FireNet has been designed as a ML training dataset for experimentation and therefore fulfills multiple machine learning scenarios (classification, object detection, semantic segmentation). It is intended as a domain specific dataset to refine pre-trained standard architectures.
Uniclass & Description
Pr_40_50_28_64 Portable fire extinguishers
Pr_75_75_30_50 Manual call points
Pr_40_50_28_29 Fire protective blankets
Pr_40_10_77_32 Fire escape route signs
Pr_40_10_77_31 Fire equipment signs
Pr_75_75_30_97 Visual alarm signal devices Pr_75_75_30_30 Fire alarm sounders
Pr_75_75_30_65 Point smoke detectors