University College London


posted on 2020-10-06, 09:37 authored by International FTD-Genomics Consortium

Summary statistics data generated in Ferrari et al, 2014, Lancet Neurol (PMID: 24943344)

The International FTD-Genetics Consortium (IFGC) shares the summary results data to allow other researchers to explore variants and/or loci for hypothesis driven work. The data provides information on ~ 6M markers and includes information about: marker – trait – allele 1 and 2 – OR or Beta – standard error – p-value, chromosome and bp position.

To prevent identification of individuals, allele frequency data are not released.

The data consists of the summary statistics generated during discovery phase (phase I) of the study including: bvFTD (n=1377 vs 2754 ctrls) AND/OR SD (n=308 vs 616 ctrls) AND/OR PNFA (n=269 vs 538 ctrls) AND/OR FTD-MND (n=200 vs 400 ctrls) AND/OR subtypes meta-analysis.


1. The IFGC requests to be included among co-authors in publications that might result from the use of this data as “The International FTD-Genetics Consortium (IFGC)” following Pubmed guidelines where Consortia or working group authors shall be listed on PubMed as collaborators rather than authors, where collaborator names are searchable on PubMed in the same way as authors. The acknowledgments associated with the IFGC as well as the IFGC members are provided as separate pdf document, together with the summary statistics;

2. Publications (including but not limited to manuscripts, presentation, patent, grant) based on this IFGC’s dataset shall include the citation of the original work (Ferrari et al, 2014, Lancet Neurol, PMID: 24943344) and add the following to the acknowledgement section: “We thank the International FTD-Genetics Consortium (IFGC) for summary data”.


The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and National Institute on Aging, the Wellcome/MRC Centre on Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's Research UK, and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center


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