This repository contains the code and the data
required to estimate the models presented in the paper
Agnolucci, Rapti, Alexander, De Lipsis, Holland,
Eigenbrod and Ekins (2020) Impacts of rising temperatures and farm management
practices on global yields of 18 crops.
There are two sets of datasets:
1. those named as
Yield.RData are used in the
estimation of the selected models in "1 FinalModels - NatureFood.R"
2. those named as .RData are used in the production of Figure 2 carried out in "2 Figure 2.R". These figures also use inputs stored in three Excel spreadsheets: 1) crop_inputs_v3.xlsx; 2) Crop_ME_Malnourishment.xlsx; 3) Crop_yield_ME.xlsx
UK Energy Research Centre Phase 3
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council