University College London

Indicators data and metadata

posted on 2024-04-09, 12:41 authored by Alison FairbrassAlison Fairbrass, Victor Moretti, Elvander Quaresma, Celma Ribeiro, Fabio Roque, Claudio Oller, Julia TomeiJulia Tomei

Data and metadata associated with the article: Fairbrass, A. et al. (In press) ‘Indicator-based natural capital reporting to inform decision-making in the Brazilian Pantanal’, Conservation Science and Practice [Preprint].

Indicators and their metadata compiled to report on the natural capital of the Brazilian Pantanal. One UK-based researcher (AF) and two Brazil-based research assistants (VM and EQ) conducted compiled the dataset between January-July 2021.

We sourced most indicators from online official government statistics, including employment statistics, production volumes, and values, area of agricultural production, and organic agricultural and livestock production statistics from the IBGE. In addition, we sourced health statistics from the Ministry of Health’s DataSus platform, water production and use statistics from the National Sanitation Information System (SNIS), and fishing and nature-based tourism statistics from the National Water and Sanitation Agency (ANA). In general, government statistics were reported annually at the municipality scale for all 16 municipalities in the Pantanal, typically from the early 2000s to date. However, government statistics produced less regularly were the indicators of organic livestock and agriculture production, which were only available in 2017, and fishing and tourism statistics, which were only available for 2018.


Global Challenges Research Fund
