University College London
45-1c 137d F SOD1 +41d C9G dEB graft.adicht (38.25 MB)
35-1b 130d SOD1 M +37d post graft.adicht (23.16 MB)
35-1e 130d SOD1 M +37d post graft.adicht (21.8 MB)
35-1d 131d SOD1 M +38d post graft.adicht (42.66 MB)
21-1a 139d SOD1 M + 36d post graft.adicht (12.39 MB)
21-1e 140d SOD1 M + 37d post graft.adicht (12.2 MB)
38-1e 142d F SOD1 +49d 5dd dEB graft.adicht (29.23 MB)
38-1c 136d F SOD1 +43d 5dd dEB graft.adicht (48.33 MB)
40-1a 132d M SOD1 +37d graft.adicht (15.3 MB)
40-1c 133d M SOD1 +38d graft.adicht (16 MB)
35-1c 124d SOD1 M +31d post graft.adicht (21.36 MB)
1-1a 125d M SOD1 +35d post MMC graft.adicht (19.14 MB)
1-1c 121d M SOD1 +31d post MMC graft.adicht (19.33 MB)
1-1b 126d M SOD1 +36d post MMC graft.adicht (30.06 MB)
24-2d 137d F SOD1 +23d post MMC graft.adicht (9.52 MB)
25A-1d 137d M SOD1 +19d post graft.adicht (9.89 MB)
24-2a 134d M SOD1 +20d post graft.adicht (11.94 MB)
25B-1b 135d M SOD1 +26d post graft.adicht (11.64 MB)
26-1a 143d M SOD1 +39d post graft.adicht (10.39 MB)
25A-1b 137d M SOD1 +19d post MMC graft.adicht (20.02 MB)
59 files

Isometric muscle tension physiology recording data

posted on 2023-11-30, 17:40 authored by Barney BrysonBarney Bryson, Alexandra Kourgiantaki, Dai JiangDai Jiang, Andreas DemosthenousAndreas Demosthenous, Linda GreensmithLinda Greensmith

These data files contain the physiological muscle recordings in response to optical or electrical nerve stimulation. Files are labelled according to subject ID, as listed in Supplementary Table 3 in our eLife publication.

The raw data files require AD Instruments LabChart software for viewing and analysis. Some example traces have been uploaded as image files.


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