University College London

Jeremy Bentham, 'Third Letter to Lord Pelham' parallel texts

posted on 2024-03-21, 11:39 authored by Jeremy Bentham, Tim CauserTim Causer, Philip SchofieldPhilip Schofield

These files are backups of the transcripts of a draft and a revised fair copy of Jeremy Bentham's 'Third Letter to Lord Pelham' (1802-3) which have been prepared to create an online parallel text to indicate the differences between the two versions of the text. The 'Third Letter' will be published in due course in a volume of the authoritative 'Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham'. A pre-publication version of the text, with editorial annotation, can be downloaded by visiting The two versions of the text have been divided into the four sections as indicated by Bentham and uploaded to Juxta Commons, a tool produced by Networked Infrastructure for Nineteenth Century Electronic Scholarship (NINES), which allows for the comparison and collation of versions of the same text. To view the parallel texts, please visit for an overview, and the below links for the respective sections of the texts:
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Section 4:
