Sequencing reads for sorted cells using Tj-Gal4, UAS-GFP to sort CySCs and early cyst cells in the Drosophila testis. Data are for 3 replicates of control (Tj>GFP) and 3 replicates of Rbf knockdown (Tj>GFP, Rbf RNAi), labelled "control" and "condition", respectively. Cells were isolated by FACS and RNA extracted and amplified using a Clontech SmartSeq v4 kit, before library preparation and Illumina sequencing.
Reads for each sample are split into 4 FASTA files. The file names for the controls (Tj>GP) begin with "3-Control1", "3-2-Control2", and "3-3-Control3". The Rbf knockdowns are labelled "4-Rbi1", "4-2-Rbi2" and "4-3-Rbi3".