Research data for the paper "Emergent strong zero mode through local Floquet engineering"
Includes the data for the paper "Emergent strong zero mode through local Floquet engineering" (arXiv:2306.01835).
The compressed file "" (please uncompress it) contains 14 folders for each figures from fig.2-15 in the above mentioned paper. Each folder contains the relevant data and a .py file (except fig12 which contains .xmgr file to plot) to generate the corresponding figure in the paper (just run "python2" from terminal opened in the corresponding figure folder).
All the data are standard .txt or .dat file. The file names are mostly self explanatory but the .py files (together with the output figure generated by running it) can be used to easily identify all the data corresponding to the each plot given in the corresponding figure.
The equations and methods used to generate the data are described in the above mentioned paper. We used standard LAPACK library to do the Exact diagonalization calculations.
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