SOPHIE substorm identifications (EPT90) with varying thresholds for convection enhancement identification
Outputs from the SOPHIE (Forsyth et al., 2015, 10.1002/2015JA021343) substorm onset and phase detection technique for SuperMAG data between 1997 and 2020 (inclusive).
This version has been updated in to include the MLT and MLAT of the SuperMAG station providing the SML data
This file provides the start times of growth/energy input, expansion and recovery phases determined by SOPHIE for an EPT of 90.
Data generated for "Separating DP1 and DP2 current pattern contributions to substorm-like intensifications in SML" by Lao et al., submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics.
The data is presented in 7 columns: -
The date and time of the first data point in the given phase (YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS)
The phase number (1 for growth/energy input, 2 for expansion, 3 for recovery)
A flag indicating that the rate of change of SMU is similar to that of SML in the expansion phase. This number is a sum of the following indicators:
1 = the ratio of median rate of change of -SML_f and median rate of change of SMU_f is less than the stated threshold
2 = the ratio of mean rate of change of -SML_f and mean rate of change of SMU_f is less than the stated threshold
4 = the ratio of the change in -SML_f and the change in SMU_f is less than the stated threshold
8 = the ratio of the change in -SML and the change in SMU is less than the stated threshold
SML_f and SMU_f are SML and SMU passed through a 30 min low pass filter.
As an example, a flag of 03 indicates that both the median (1) and mean (2) rates of change were less than the threshold. A flag of 05 would indicate that the mean rate of change and the ratio of the filtered SML/U values were less than the threshold, but not the ratio of the median rate of changes.
MLT of the active SML station at the shown time
MLAT of the active SML station at the shown time
Change in SML during the upcoming phase (i.e. if time is for start of expansion phase, this is the drop in SML during that expansion phase)
SML value at end of phase.
The original SuperMAG indices can be downloaded from
Explosive energy release in space plasmas: unravelling the magnetospheric dynamics of substorms
Science and Technology Facilities Council
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