University College London

Supporting Data for Multilingualism and Strategic Planning, Batchelor et al. (Table 5)

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posted on 2019-11-22, 16:47 authored by Kathryn BatchelorKathryn Batchelor, Lalbila Aristide YODA, Féridjou Emilie Georgette SANON OUATTARA, Olivia Hellewell
List of all documents included in the corpus of a study assessing the extent to which linguistic diversity is taken into account in strategic planning for HIV/AIDS health care and communication in development contexts. The study is entitled 'Multilingualism and strategic planning for HIV/AIDS-related health care and communication' and is available from Wellcome Open Research.

The corpus comprises all policy documents and reports relevant to HIV/AIDS health care and communication authored by the Department for International Development, UK, The Global Fund, and the Ministries of Health and National AIDS commissions in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Senegal.

Documents were selected for analysis following principles of systematicity and comprehensiveness. For each of the organisations or government departments in question, we used their official websites to search for all documents relevant to HIV/AIDS. We limited the scope only by document type, restricting our corpus to policy documents (including funding guidelines) and reports, rather than encompassing a broader range of documents such as press releases or research papers. We did not limit the searches by date, including in the corpus any policy documents or reports which the organisation or government department in question made available via their website during the periods in which we gathered our data (November-December 2018 and May-July 2019). In cases where the government website was not functioning, we identified relevant documents through step-by-step processes which are described in detail in the research article itself.


Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund to the University of Nottingham [204843]
