3D tiff stacks of tomographic data used within "Non-Linear Damage Response to Voltage Revealed by Operando X-ray Tomography in Polycrystalline NMC811". Within this dataset is a series of 3D tiff stacks that contain tomograms from I13-2 at Diamond Light Source, with a spatial resolution of 325 nm using a pco.edge.5.5 CMOS full field X-ray detector. The NMC811 particles are taken at multiple states-of-charge during the first charge cycle, and using a particle grey level analysis algorithm we have looked to understand the cracking behaviour on a particle-by-particle basis.
This work was carried out with funding from the Faraday Institution (faraday.ac.uk; EP/S003053/1), grant numbers, FIRG060 and FIRG066; and the EPSRC grant EP/M014045/1. In addition, PhD funding for HP and AW by the Faraday Institution is also acknowledged: EPSRC training grant number EP/S514901/1. PRS was supported by the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) and the Royal Academy of Engineering under the Chair in Emerging Technologies programme (CiET1718/59). RJ, PRS and MPJ acknowledge Innovate UK for funding via the BATSEED Project (grant number: 10044823). This work was carried out with beamtime from Diamond Light Source, Didcot, on beamline I13-2 (Manchester Imaging Beamline) under proposal MG28650-1).