The Effects of Choice on the Reading Comprehension and Enjoyment of Children with Severe Inattention and no Attentional Difficulties: Key data analysed and discussed in the published paper
posted on 2021-07-01, 11:01authored byMyrofora Kakoulidou
This dataset includes the key data analysed and discussed in the paper titled 'The Effects of Choice on the Reading Comprehension and Enjoyment of Children with Severe Inattention and no Attentional Difficulties' published in the Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology journal.
Data were collected as part of a larger PhD study of Myrofora Kakoulidou, under the supervision of Professor Jane Hurry, Dr Frances Le Cornu Knight and Dr Roberto Filippi.
Variables included
Codenumber = Participant ID
Sex = Biological sex
SEN status = Whether children had (or did not have) an SEN statement or and Education and Health Care plan
MRQ_NoMissing = Total scores on MRQ after imputation
SentenceCompletion_NGRT = Children's answers to the Sentence Completion items of the NGRT (20 items)
TextQuestions_NGRT = Children's answers to the Reading Comprehension questions across the three passages (28 items)
NewGroupReadingScores = Total scores across the 48 NGRT items
NGRT_Standardised = Raw scores converted to standardised scores by age
Readingscores_Choice = Children's reading scores in the Choice condition
Readingscores_NoChoice = Children's reading scores in the No Choice condition
Readingdifference_Final = Difference scores for Reading Comprehension (Reading comprehension scores in the No Choice condition subtracted by reading comprehension scores in the Choice condition)
Readingdenjoyment_Final = Difference scores for Reading Enjoyment (Reading Enjoyment scores in the No Choice condition subtracted by reading enjoyment scores in the Choice condition)
Enjoyment_NoChoice = Children's enjoyment scores in the No Choice condition
Enjoyment_Choice = Children's enjoyment scores in the Choice condition
TeacherConnersItems = Teachers' ratings on the Conners 3 scale (39 items in total, short version)
TeacherRatedInattention = Teachers' ratings of children's inattention
OmissionErrors = Raw scores on Omission errors in AULA
RTV (Reaction Time Variability) = Raw scores on RTV in AULA
TeacherRatedInattention_Trichotomised = Trichotomised scores on Teacher-rated Inattention
OmissionErrors_Trichotomised = Trichotomised scores on Omission errors