Zip file containing RAW format image files used to capture the Giant Handaxe. Files 337-551 (3/4)
Images used in photogrammtry model 3 of 4
Multiple innovative digital techniques have been developed to study lithic artefacts (e.g. Olson et al, 2014; Bennet, 2014; Caricola et al, 2018; Grosman et al, 2022 & 2011; García-Medrano et al 2023). Based on its flexibility and relative affordability, multi-image photogrammetry has become an increasingly useful analytical tool within archaeology (Magnani et al, 2020) with Close-Range Photogrammetry being used for lithic analysis (e.g. Caricola et al, 2018; Porter et al, 2016 & 2019; Collins et al, 2019; Bennet, 2021; Timbrell et al, 2022).
The imaging approach entails capturing a set of overlapping digital photographs of the subject which are processed with specialised software in order to produce 3D geometry.