University College London
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Photographs used in repeatabilty study for SfM 3D model generation

posted on 2019-10-21, 10:34 authored by Christopher Silvester, Simon Hillson
Sets of photographs used to generate 3D models of dental models using Agisoft Metashape for 3 individuals. Individuals were from the St. Michael's Litten, Chichester assemblage (dated AD1550-1900) held at University College London. Two sets of photographs were taken for individuals 1361, 1968, 4293 to assess how closely the 3D model generation process could be replicated.
Each image is named after the individual it is associated with. 1361, 1968 and 4293 have two image sets labeled _V1 and _V2 to denote different versions of the same individual.
The specimen numbers correspond to the skeleton numbers of each individual. The site code for St. Michael's Litten is ESC11.
The structure-from-motion 3D dental models generated using these photographs were assessed alongside 3D models generated using a structured light scanner to determine their fidelity. The results of this research are presented the article "A critical assessment of the potential for Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry to produce high fidelity 3D Dental Models" under review in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology. The paper aimed to determine whether dental models generated using photogrammetry could be used to perform dental macrowear analysis. All 3D models assessed, and the photographs used to generate the models, are available from the UCL research data repository.


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