A sequences of 70 temporal maps of C/2002 V1's main dust tail created from the SOHO LASCO C3 clear filter data using MGN enhancement.
The tail is shown from 2003 February 16th at 18:54 UT until February 19th 17:54 UT. Dust is displayed from the region of 0.2 < βr < 2.5 with ejection times from 2003 February 14th 00:00 UT through to February 18th 00:00 UT.
The CME passes through the tail at around 08:54 UT on February 18th. Eight hours later, the oldest dust in the tail is barely visible, and a new prominent stria feature has formed.
This research was supported by a UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) PhD studentship.