University College London

Arterial Model and Simulation Domain

Version 2 2024-11-19, 10:57
Version 1 2024-01-26, 18:45
posted on 2024-11-19, 10:57 authored by Sharp C. Y. LoSharp C. Y. Lo

This item contains the arterial model and the simulation domain for the blood flow simulations performed in the paper titled "Uncertainty Quantification of the Impact of Peripheral Arterial Disease on Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in Blood Flow Simulations" by Sharp C. Y. Lo, Jon W. S. McCullough, Xiao Xue, and Peter V. Coveney (2024), where the corresponding author is Prof. Peter V. Coveney (

The STL file is a modification of the 0156_0001 model in Vascular Model Repository (see references below).

The GMY file is produced by voxelising the STL file using HemePure_tools. It contains the information for setting up the simulation domain of the simulations with HemeLB.
