University College London

Supplementary Code for "Uncertainty Quantification of the Impact of Peripheral Arterial Disease on Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in Blood Flow Simulations"

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Version 2 2024-04-10, 12:07
Version 1 2024-03-06, 11:06
posted on 2024-03-06, 11:06 authored by Sharp C. Y. LoSharp C. Y. Lo, Jon McCullough

This is supplementary code of the paper titled "Uncertainty Quantification of the Impact of Peripheral Arterial Disease on Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in Blood Flow Simulations" by Sharp C. Y. Lo, Jon W. S. McCullough, Xiao Xue, and Peter V. Coveney (2024). The corresponding author is Prof. Peter V. Coveney (

It contains the preprocessing and postprocessing tools for the blood flow simulations described in the paper using HemeLB (git commit hash: 554e8bef2cd68).

  • MyModules contains the main tools, which are imported by other scripts.
  • submodules contains the link to hemeXtract which is used to translate the binary outputs of HemeLB to human-readable outputs.
  • is used to generate an array of input files of HemeLB.
  • UQ_campaign/UQAAA/supplement/ is used to plot the boundary velocity ratio against percentage wall extension for different sets of Womersely numbers and vessel radii, i.e. Figure S1 in the paper.
  • UQ_campaign/UQAAA/supplement/INLET0_VELOCITY_mean.txt is the time series of the mean profile of the flow velocity at the centre of the inlet, i.e. Figure 2 in the paper. It is produced using with template_input.xml as the first argument.

More information can be found in
