University College London

Eddie Edwards

Information and computing sciences

London UK

Eddie Edwards has worked for over 25 years in medical imaging, surgical robotics and image-guided surgery. He obtained his PhD in 2002 under the group led by Dave Hawkes which became CMIC at UCL. He was a lecturer at Imperial for 10 years and has worked in imaging research in both industrial and academic settings. He spent almost 5 years as a researcher in the surgical robot vision group at UCL. He now works as a lecturer (teaching stream) in the Computer Science department at UCL but also maintains a strong interest in research. Eddie has published over 80 peer-reviewed journal and conference publications, achieving a Google h-index of 38. Hi interests include algorithms and methods for visual reconstruction and tracking of the surgical scene, producing a standard dataset for anatomical reconstruction and demonstrating the force estimation from combined visual and kinematic tracking of the surgical tools.



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