# Definitions Conditions: • nHnS: Saliency Map not shown and Scores not shown (Baseline) • nHS: Saliency Map not shown and Scores shown • HnS: Saliency Map shown and Scores not shown • HS: Saliency Map shown and Scores shown. question_order: the order of a question in the study. question_id: question unique id. selected_likert: participant's answer to a 4-point forced Likert item. sensitive: participant's answer to the request to list 2-3 features they believe the system is sensitive to. Ignores: participant's answer to the request to list 2-3 features the system ignores. participant answer: Yes, or No to the question whether the system will recognize an object of interest (cat or horse) in the given task image. GT: the ground truth answer. # Files Dataset.xlsx contains participants answers.