The files contain Cartesain coordinates (in Angstrom) of the HBDI anion solvated with water molecules used for VDE and VEE calculations. VDEs (files R*.xyz): final QM/EFP/MD equilibrium structures of the solvated HBDI anion with 1000 water molecules in the PBE0/(aug)-cc-pVDZ//EFP core. VEEs (file VEE are calculated for a QM/EFP system with 253 EFP water molecules fully optimized at the PBE0/(aug)-cc-pVDZ//EFP level of theory (Supplementary Fig. 9). Format of the files: "QM part" atom Znuc X Y Z C1 6.0 1.3477664993 1.0367627856 3.8721340231 ...... "Water fragments" X Y Z ZO1 8.596 3.059 -13.897 ZH2 9.098 3.131 -13.101 ZH3 8.979 2.355 -14.396 .... All DFT energies of the HBDI anion and radical calculated at the equilibrium geometry of the anion are in Hartree.