University College London

2025 James Lind Alliance Palliative And End Of Life Care Priority Setting Partnership (JLA PEoLC PSP)

Published on by Briony Hudson


In 2025 Marie Curie, in partnership with the James Lind Alliance and other charities and research funders completed a priority setting partnership to agree on the top priorities for future palliative and end of life care research. These priorities were identified and prioritised by people affected by serious life limiting illness. 


What did we do? 

We followed the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting process to consult people affected by serious life limiting illness across the UK. This involved the following stages:  

  • An online survey to ask people affected by serious life limiting illness (patients, families, friends and health and social care professionals) what they thought future research should focus on.
  • A second survey to prioritise the issues identified in the first survey
  • An in-person workshop where 20 people affected by serious life limiting illness agreed on the ranking of the prioritised issues.

This project was funded by Marie Curie, the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and Motor Neurone Disease Association.   

You can read more about the 2025 James Lind Alliance Palliative and End of Life Care Priority Setting Partnership at the following websites:

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