University College London
I am a bioinspired roboticist. I started my position as Lecturer at UCL Mechanical Engineering Department in 2022. My research vision is to use bioinspiration and morphological computation to enhance the body's contribution to robots' adaptability to the environment. By enhancing robots' adaptability, I address global challenges in healthcare, life on land, life below water, and climate action. - I have (co-) authored papers published in high-impact journals (International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), IEEE Transaction on Robotics (T-RO), IEEE Sensors, IEEE RA-L) and peer-reviewed full-length conference papers presented in flagship conferences (IROS and ICRA). - I was awarded a Policy Engagement and Impact fellowship in 2021. - I became a UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering Impact fellow in 2020. - I was awarded two fully-funded scholarships for studying the MSc and PhD.

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