University College London

Vassilis Sideropoulos

Senior Research Technician (Educational psychology; Clinical psychology; Counselling psychology; Health psychology)


Vassilis Sideropoulos is a Senior Research Technician in the Department of Psychology and Human Development, at ΙΟΕ, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society. His expertise is in the areas of Psychology and the use of digital methods to understand behaviour and mental health. Before joining UCL, Vassilis held several posts across the UK, remarkably as a Psychology Lab Tech in the School of Applied Sciences at London South Bank University where he primarily conducted and supported research in the Centre for Addictive Behaviours Research and the Brain, Mind and Behaviour Research Group. Vassilis research has been funded by UKRI Medical Research Council (2019/20), Baily Thomas Charitable Fund (2021) as well as UCL Seed Funds (2020).


  • British Psychology Society
  • Tailored interventions to assist smokers to stop smoking using e-cigarettes (TASSE): Study protocol
  • “COVID-19 has Made a Mess of Things”: Experiencing the Pandemic as a Doctoral Student
  • Text messages to support e-cigarette use for smoking cessation: a tool for researchers
  • The impact of COVID-19 on anxiety and wellbeing for families of individuals with Special Education Needs and Disabilities in the UK
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Anxiety and Worries for Families of Individuals with Special Education Needs and Disabilities in the UK
  • Anxiety and Worries of Individuals with Down Syndrome During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study in the UK
  • Anxiety during Transition from Primary to Secondary Schools in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Cross-syndrome Comparison
  • The effects of cumulative stressful educational events on the mental health of doctoral students during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The impact of the pandemic on children under 11 with Down Syndrome
  • Better Together: A Well-being Initiative for Doctoral Students
  • The Effects of Cumulative Stressful Educational Events on the Mental Health of Doctoral Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Anxiety and Emotion Regulation in Young People with Williams Syndrome and Down Syndrome During the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Global Study
  • The effects of cumulative stressful educational events on the mental health of doctoral students during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • “Who listens to the listener, who cares for the carer?”. Loneliness, sleep experiences, and daytime functioning in siblings of young disabled / chronically ill people.
  • Anxiety, concerns and emotion regulation in individuals with Williams syndrome and Down syndrome during the COVID-19 outbreak: a global study
  • Co-production of a mobile phone text message programme to support people to stop smoking by switching to vaping. (Preprint)
  • Anxiety, Concerns and COVID-19: Cross-Country Perspectives from Families and Individuals with Neurodevelopmental Conditions
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities: A Systematic Review
  • Anxiety, concerns and COVID-19: Cross-country perspectives from families and individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions
  • ‘Covid-19 has made a mess of things’: Experiencing the pandemic as a doctoral student
  • E‐cigarette support for smoking cessation: Identifying the effectiveness of intervention components in an on‐line randomized optimization experiment
  • Mobile phone text messages to support people to stop smoking by switching to vaping: co-development, co-production, and initial testing. (Preprint)
  • Mobile Phone Text Messages to Support People to Stop Smoking by Switching to Vaping: Codevelopment, Coproduction, and Initial Testing Study (Preprint)
  • Mobile Phone Text Messages to Support People to Stop Smoking by Switching to Vaping: Codevelopment, Coproduction, and Initial Testing Study
  • Anxiety during Transition from Primary to Secondary Schools in Neurodivergent Children
  • “Who listens to the listener, who cares for the carer?”. A cross sectional study of social connectedness and sleep experiences of young siblings of neurodivergent people.
  • Working Paper No 6: Exploring Research Transparency, Positionality and Reproducibility
  • Change in vaping, smoking and dual‐use identities predicts quit success and cigarette usage: A prospective study of people quitting smoking with electronic cigarette support
  • Learning from neurodivergent students about their mental health and wellbeing during transition from primary to secondary school: A scoping review
  • Anxiety during transition from primary to secondary schools in neurodivergent children
  • The determining factors and evidence-based interventions for academic achievement among compulsory education aged students with ADHD: a systematic review
  • Childhood stunting and cognitive development: a meta-analysis
  • Mental health and quality of life in children and young people with neurodivergencies of sight: A systematic review
  • Do teachers have the knowledge and skills to facilitate effective parental engagement? Findings from a national survey in England
  • Academic performance in children and young people with vision impairment: A comprehensive systematic review
  • ‘Who Listens to the Listener, Who Cares for the Carer?’ A Cross‐Sectional Study of Social Connectedness and Sleep Experiences of Young Siblings of Neurodivergent People

Vassilis Sideropoulos's public data